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What is LIVIN about?

LIVIN was founded on the Gold Coast in honour of Dwayne Lally, who took his life after living in silence from a mental illness. LIVIN is all about living your life at the top and breaking the stigma around mental health. Connecting, supporting and encouraging one another to talk about their feelings and challenges because “It Ain’t Weak to Speak”.

Through the development of cutting edge education programs, apparel and community awareness initiatives, LIVIN are launching a generational change. Let’s unite to help people start LIVIN again.

How to support LIVIN?

To support LIVIN you can donate directly (tax deductible) or buy really cool apparel, stickers and a range of other products: so you look good and break the stigma at the same time:

QLM proudly do our small part to support LIVIN with stickers and labels that enable them to do what they do and be seen. With our ethos of LABELS ALIVE this initiative really hits home in such a meaningful way.

LIVIN: Breaking mental health stigmasLIVIN: Breaking mental health stigmasLIVIN: Breaking mental health stigmas

Contact QLM Group to learn more.

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