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Box bottom coffee bags feature an attractive stable appearance thanks to their flat bottom. While their larger surface area is useful for branding, logos, and coffee information, they are open to options (one-way valves, ripper zippers) to preserve the bean quality at their best. On top of practicality and aesthetic appeal, QLM’s box bottom bags will maximise your business benefits with very low MOQ.
Stand-up pouches are fast becoming a popular packaging option for especially coffee and tea. They have many features businesses themselves and end-users appreciate. A stand-up pouch by QLM allows you to give your brand a premium look with minimal investment and erase the worries of ordering large minimum orders.
Side gusset bags are ideal for increasing your product-to-package ratio. In contrast to lay-flat bags, side gusset bags have a larger filling space and can carry more products. They perfectly match high-volume roaster businesses. Furthermore, QLM’s side gusset bags are an excellent stand-up packaging choice for firms that wish to highlight their coffee & tea distinguishing qualities and preserve their product’s freshness.
Want to target instant coffee or new markets? Sachets & 3SS bags are the ideal packaging for your single-portion coffee & tea products. Proven as a cost-saving, highly functional option, sachets & 3SS with our low MOQ can help your business to go ahead in the race of the coffee & tea market.