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All great coffee has one thing in common – it’s freshness.  Without it, you run the risk of having customers that are not impressed by ‘fresh’ coffee beans.  However, taking the time to take a closer look at stand up pouches or side gusset pouches for your fresh coffee beans could see your customers returning for more. We have listed our tips for choosing coffee packaging that is right for fresh coffee beans below.

Suitable product packaging made specifically for coffee beans paired with great packaging design is a winning combination.

Coffee packaging design that makes a lasting impression on potential customers is the first step in building a successful coffee brand, but many brands are missing the mark by getting the coffee packaging design right but using less-than-desirable packaging that just doesn’t keep the product fresh.

Clear messaging on your packaging design is vitally important to give your product the best chance of going home with a potential customer. With only seconds to gain that sale packaging design is a key consideration.

Our design team says it is vitally important to ensure you have clear messaging within your design, showing the origin of your product, the type/flavour of your product as well as keeping your brand cohesive across your product SKUs for easy recognisable product.

Having packaging that not only looks great, but is fully functional for the end user can add value to your product for the end-user.  Consider stand up pouches for coffee that have features such as:

  • Easy open tear notches;
  • Resealable zipper closure;
  • Being able to stand on a shelf unsupported;
  • Can include a one-way valve (read on for more on that)

Read more: Advantages of stand-up pouches that you may not know

What is a one-way valve for coffee packaging?

A one-way valve is a virtually unnoticeable valve that allows your freshly roasted beans to degas while packaged. It allows packaging of the coffee product sooner, reducing the risk of any staleness making its way into your end product as coffee beans can be packed and any gas can escape the packaging naturally.

Appearing as just a few pin-size holes visible on the outside of the packaging, a one-way valve is unlikely to interrupt any design on your packaging as it will remain virtually unnoticeable but it can greatly affect the product’s freshness!

How can digitally printed flexible packaging help my coffee business grow?

Stand-up pouches, and side-gusset pouches are the most popular choices when it comes to keeping coffee products fresh because of the ability to add a one-way valve to your packaging.  A one-way valve allows you to de-gas your product after your coffee beans are packed fresh after roasting.

Adding a one-way valve to your coffee packaging is an inexpensive way to make a difference to the product’s freshness and promote repeat customers that appreciate your product.

Digitally printed flexible coffee packaging allows you to create fully branded food packaging that is suitable for keeping your roasted coffee beans fresher for longer. It can have your product looking on brand and professional without a significant investment in packaging.

Using digitally printed coffee packaging is a great option for businesses of all sizes that need flexibility within their product range. Why? Because it allows you to order minimum quantities as small as 2000 and with multiple product SKUs within the same order.

What are kraft paper coffee bags?

A big trend for many coffee brands is kraft look paper bags, although they may not be suitable for keeping products fresh for long.  Not to mention they often require manually adding a label as well.  This can be an added cost for labour and materials, not to mention tedious.

Stand-up pouches and side gusset bags that are digitally printed can be designed with the kraft look giving your brand the unique natural look your brand may require, but with the functionality and usability your customers are looking for.

Packaging designs can include any look you are after.  Your designer can add your design to our product templates to get the sizing right for your requirements and any design within your artwork files will be printed directly on your packaging allowing you to have any design you like; paired with the freshness your customers will love.

What is the best recyclable coffee packaging?

Many packaging companies sell coffee packaging labelled as compostable, sustainable or recyclable and in theory, some may be, but most are not.

Recycling in Australia in the current climate is difficult with resources being limited.  Flexible packaging is recyclable through REDCycle, however, as we write this article that service is no longer available.  But, we are working toward a more sustainable future and will continue to be transparent in our journey.

Reach out for a candid discussion about recyclable packaging – the QLM Group team would be happy to talk you through the situation.

coffee packaging

What style of flexible packaging is best specifically for coffee products? 

Side gusset bags are the modern alternative to a box bottom bag with a very similar look and the ability for the packaging to stand-alone unsupported on the shelf. Giving a very premium look to coffee products, adding a one-way valve can greatly improve freshness. Side gusset pouches are easy to pack and heat seal.

Side gusset pouches have features your customers will appreciate, including:

  • Heat-sealed closure for freshness;
  • Stands nicely on the shelf;
  • Leak-proof protection;
  • Traditional look;
  • One way valve is an option

Stand-up pouches are fast becoming a popular option for most products, including coffee. They have many features businesses themselves and end-users appreciate, including:

  • Heat-sealed closure for freshness;
  • Easy tear open seal;
  • Resealable zipper closure;
  • Leak-proof protection;
  • One way valve is an option;
  • It stands nicely on the shelf;

The ability to easily pack coffee products in a stand-up pouch or side gusset pouch allows you to give your brand a premium look with minimal investment and without the need to order large minimum orders. Multi-SKU print runs can also give a huge advantage to those starting out, allowing businesses to remain flexible in their approach to the industry.

Choosing the right coffee packaging for your product depends on the look and functionality that suits both your branding and end-user needs. If you are unsure exactly how they look, work and feel, please reach out to us for some advice, and to request a FREE sample pack.

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