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CleanFlake™ is label material that enables recycling

CleanFlake™ label material features a water-based adhesive which cleanly separates during the recycling process. 

Designed for use on PET bottles and thermoform containers. PET is 100% recyclable, however standard PS labels and shrink labels can limit recyclability. Leftovers from adhesive, ink and face stock contaminate the flakes during the recycling process and prevent reuse for food packaging

CleanFlakeLabels enable the full recyclability of PET and thermoform containers. The unique adhesive ensures performance throughout the packaging lifecycle. During the recycling process the caustic wash deactivates the adhesive allowing a clean separation. Labels float to the top of the bath holding the ink and adhesive, leaving clean PET flakes free of any contamination.

  • Enables true bottle to bottle recycling;
  • Saving precious natural resources; and
  • Reduces the impact on the environment.

Available in clear or white BOPP film facestocks and semi-gloss paper.

Learn more at: CleanFlake™ Labels and Ask us now for a sample of CleanFlake Labels.

CleanFlake LabelsCleanFlake LabelsCleanFlake Labels


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