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Eco-friendly becoming a trend

Brands and consumers are changing with a global focus on reducing unnecessary packaging and waste. QLM want you to be aware of your options and have the ability to make a change. Achieving sustainability goals with labels and packaging requires an understanding of the role of the label or packaging in recycling and its impact on resources like water, energy, trees, GHG, solid waste and fossil fuels. It requires a wholistic approach that assesses the total impact on the environment and considers our role during the process: from raw material suppliers to manufacturers, logistics, brand owners and consumers.

The circular economy

The circular economy

  • Shift from take, make, use & dispose
  • To a more circular approach
  • Maintain the value of resources longer

The new plastics economy

The new plastics economy

  • Rethink & redesign packaging
  • Eliminate unnecessary packaging
  • Innovate to reuse, recycle, compost

Why now? 

Government departments, environmental agencies and major retailers are setting targets with a focus on plastics, packaging and waste. Companies are required to set sustainability goals that emphasise strategies to reduce, reuse and recycle as well as designing products & processes to be more resource efficient with net positive or net zero principles. The leaders for this change are:

APCO Australian Packaging Covenant

  • 2018 national waste policy
  • 2025 targets: 100% of packaging must be recyclable, compostable or reusable

Major retailers

  • ALDI 25 by 25 packaging commitment
  • coles sustainable packaging policy
  • Woolworths ‘closing the loop’

4R’s to achieve sustainability goals with labels & packaging

Responsibly source-renewable


1. Responsibly source: renewable

  • Materials from an ethical supply chain
  • FSC® certified papers
  • Products from renewable resources (bio-based stocks)
(Avery Dennison FSC® certified stocks & stocks from renewables, UPM Raflatac Bio-Based stocks)

Reduce-less or lightweight materials 

2. Reduce: less or lightweight materials

  • Use less or lighter weight packaging use less (productivity & cost benefits)
  • Stocks made with less materials
  • Stocks that improve the management of waste
(UPM Raflatac RAFNXT+ Portfolio & Lite Portfolio, Avery Dennison Think Thin Range)

Recycle-content or recyclability 

3. Recycle: content or recyclability

  • Stocks made from recycled content
  • Enables recycling
  • Removable to allow reuse
(UPM Raflatac FSC® recycled stocks, Avery Dennison CleanFlake, Herma Wash Away)

Plus compostable & biodegradable 

4. Plus compostable & biodegradable

  • Labels: are currently only industrially compostable
  • Treat at industrial facilities over 55°C
  • Meet quality criteria for eco-toxicity
(Avery Dennison Compostable Papers, UPM Raflatac Compostable Films, Herma Leaf Standard) 

Keep in touch with QLM Group to learn more about sustainability in labels & packaging.

Read more: “Attainable sustainable” labels & packaging

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