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QLM Group was recently honoured with 2 of our company directors being named in the ProPrint Power 50 Awards 2021 – recognising industry leaders in the print industry of Australia.

Proprint power 50 awardQLM CEOSimon Pugh – CEO – QLM Label Makers Group

Simon Pugh was recognised for leading the company which values consistency, accountability, respect, excellence and sustainability.

QLM Label Makers Group has strong connections to printing companies with onsellers accounting for a large amount of turnover. In his role Simon is actively involved in fostering talent and mentoring businesses through training and the provision of marketing material. QLM is expanding in the region. This year Simon was also elected President of AusCham Vietnam.
Proprint power 50 awardQLM Marketing DirectorLindsay Nutley – Director of Marketing

Lindsay’s passion for the printing industry has seen him appear on podcasts for HP Indigo and Dscoop.

He enthusiastically works with print companies, print associations, designers and brand owners to develop creative solutions that deliver results both in sals and market appeal. QLM designs have now won HP Indigo Asia Pacific Japan GRAND WINNER Awards three times in three. years which is an amazing achievement. He is also focused on promoting Australian brands in Southeast Asia.

Read more about all the award winners here:

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