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QLM Group is a member of the Australian Industry Group (Ai Group®), a peak employer organisation representing traditional, innovative and emerging industry sectors.

About AI Group

Ai Group is genuinely representative of Australian industry. Together with partner organisations they represent the interests of more than 60,000 businesses employing more than 1 million staff. Their members are small and large businesses in sectors including manufacturing, construction, engineering, transport & logistics, labour hire, mining services, the defence industry, civil airlines and ICT.

AI’s vision is for thriving industries and a prosperous community. They offer QLM strong advocacy and an effective voice at all levels of government underpinned by our respected position of policy leadership and political non-partisanship.

Connect with AI Group

Address:LGF 202 Boundary Street
Spring Hill QLD 4000
Phone:+61 7 3244 1774
Contact:Mel Ireland – Member Relationship Executive
Email:[email protected]


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