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With so many items now being delivered, have you considered what the customer experiences when they receive and open your product? Known as an ‘unboxing experience’, it requires you to think like a customer and consider each moment as they ‘open’ their packaging.

Actual ways to improve unboxing experiences

There are some really easy and great ways to engage and excite customers as they unpack your delivery – both on the outside and the inside:

unboxing experience

Coupons & offers 
Include tailored coupons and offers like box-top promos – give customers a reason to come back.

unboxing experience

Customised messages and printed material enhance the unboxing experience and can engage and excite your tribe!

unboxing experience

2-sided print
Gorgeous packaging often considers the multi-dimensional aspect of print – make the most of this by continuing the design and messaging on both sides.

unboxing experience

Small gifts or treats
Include a small treat. It can be a sample or extra item – but make sure they know you added it (tell them it’s a gift). If there is a series then people will often look forward to the next delivery.

How to WOW with your unboxing experiences

  • Inside and out – make genuine offers that are easy to accept
  • Personalisation and customisation should suit your customers
  • Keep it simple and easy to implement for your staff

unboxing experience

Carton labelsBox-top promosPersonalisation
Spice up delivery addresses with images or QR codes to your website or special landing pagesThey bought one item – but did they know what else they could have got? Add a bargain to make it worthwhile.Add meaningful and personalised messages with printed packaging inserts – either on a card, letter, label or sticker.

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